Today, we would like to present the new generation of LAMPE-LIFTERS with a working pressure of 10 bar.
After we introduced the first flat square-shaped air lifter in the world in 1973 and we managed to set a worldwide standard in 1975 with the introduction
of the first high-pressure devices, we now wish to set new standards for quality
and outfit with our new generation of hot-vulcanized
LAMPE-LIFTERS of the HV series
 • For the manufacture of all devices, special manufacturing processes were applied which guarantee a long service life. Some of the LAMPE- LIFTERS made in 1973 are still operational and are used by fire brigades, so they have provided 30 years sterling service in the fields of rescue and salvage.Who else in the world supplied devices of similar quality? The new devices, too, have similar properties in respect to aging and they also have a very good resistance against chemical and physical influences. That is why we expect a similarly long service life of them. • With their heights of only 20 mm or 24 mm respectively, the new LIFTERS are very flat and light. • The filling valve has a pull-out resistance of > 450 kg, and it bears the read marking which indicates the 10-bar system.
• Two rings at the filling valve serve as fixing points for working lines, but also as a carrying handle. • All hoses are made of rubber, this provides a good flexibility at low temperatures. All metal parts attached to them are made of stainless steel or brass.
• On customers request, all hoses are fitted with to coloured stripes of 5 cm width.This makes the employment of several LIFTERS together with the new control fitting with automatic zeroing or the safety fitting considerably easier. • The new control fitting with automatic zeroing and dead man’s button, can be connected to an optional number of other LAMPE-fittings 10 bar or 1 bar. They are locked on the pre-pressure coupling by means of a knurled nut. Two, three or more fittings are thus connected as one part.
• Operation of this fitting is, of course, very easy, there are no strong application pressures during filling or discharging. The safety valve has all safety-technical features which one should expect from such devices.
• The new inexpensive pressure control fitting can be used for filling by means of the control fitting, and it can then be removed. This means that an optional number of LAMPE- LIFTERS can be employed with minimal technical effort.
• The new system is, of course, compatible with all components of the old 10-bar fittings and LIFTER. |