LAMPE sewer sealing cushions of the 2000 series with pipe bypass - the new sewer sealing cushions made by LAMPE which are, of course, self-fixing and which feature enormous bypasses of DN 250 - DN 600, the ideal sewer sealing cushions for repair works
All over the world, our customers appreciate our well-proven sewer sealing cushions with double cones and their numerous advantages. The bypass of 75mm or 3”, which came as a standard delivery, however, was only of advantage when used together with pumps. The bypass size A, 100mm or 4”, which was available on special request, also required the employment of pumps. But apart from all advantages of the devices, there was no opportunity to drain water geodetical in large quantities, which means by using the fall of water. We made researches for a number of years and we now proudly present the new sewer sealing cushions of the 2000 series with pipe bypass.
The new devices retained most of the advantages of our cushions with double cones, but additionally they offer the opportunity to drain water geodetically through the cushion. As with all other sewer sealing cushions made by LAMPE, the new type of cushion does not require a lining to fix it safely inside the pipe (see special operation instructions). The new devices can be folded tightly so that they will go through any standard manhole, they can be quickly employed and repaired. The provide tight sealing in round pipes but also in oval pipes. It is compulsory to use a plastic pipe as the core pipe which serves as a basis for the extension by more pipes of the same type to transfer the water through the building site. Such an enormous pipe bypass of 250, 400 or 600 mm allows for an problem-free water draining without the requirement for pumps, all that is used is the natural fall of water. The great advantage of these new devices is the gain in time as opposed to the single opportunity of “blocking only” which one had up to now. As an alternative, the pipe can be fully blocked. This is done by blocking the inner pipe with a second sewer sealing cushion, or the inner pipe is used to drain water through the building site. The insertion of the core pipe via the manhole is possible provided the pipe length is accordingly. The pipe for the types 80-170 and 100-260, however, has an external diameter of 630mm.
The photos on the left and above show the sewer sealing cushion of the 2000 series type 60-20 while being tested for tightness in a pipe DN 1200. The core pipe is a PVC pipe DN 400. Here, the PVC pipe is blocked with a cushion with double cones type 1 with a 1” bypass. We are currently researching a technology for tightness tests up to –0.75 bar but, of course, the installation with the core pipe is not as simple as the installation of our devices with double cones. The orange stripe serves as an installation aid. It should always be in vertical position. At the bottom, the cushion type 60-120 is installed for the tightness test in a pipe DN 600. The core pipe is again the PVC pipe DN 400.
